meet the founder
Teresa Hodge
Chairwoman of Adventiv Technologies
"At a time we’re talking inclusion for everyone, you have to have people with the lived experience of incarceration at the table to ensure you’re bringing the right solutions." ~ Teresa Hodge
We’ve Made Coming Home Too Hard
"The first thing that happens when you go to prison, they take away your name and from that moment forward, you’re a number…I am not 37824037, I am Teresa Hodge." ~ Teresa Hodge
‘Digital Literacy’ in partnership with Comcast | Project Up
Listen now to a new podcast series dedicated to shedding light on the pivotal role of reentry support for individuals returning to society after incarceration.

A traditional hackathon is a social coding event where programmers, designers, and developers collaborate to solve problems and compete. It’s equal parts focused on social networking as well as ideation and solution-focused. Our unique methodology of convening hackathons brings traditional event formats with an essence of community and proximate leaders first.
“My favorite part about being here today at the Hackathon is economic inclusion where we’re creating opportunities for all Americans”
–Velma Tryham, Ceo, Thinkzilla Consulting
making a lasting social impact
Meet our team
Our dedicated team is the driving force behind our success. We are a diverse group of experts, each bringing a unique set of skills and experiences
Join us TO empower lives
Support our vision for criminal justice reform and economic inclusion through donations, volunteering, or partnerships today.