Re-entry can be all trick & no treat!
The 2nd Annual Rebuilding Re-entry DC Hackathon is coming
We are excited to announce that registration will open in 1 week, and we hope you will join us!
Last year 250+ people came together, over the course of 3-days, to pitch problems and solutions. Our singular goal was to build prototypes (tech and non-tech alike) towards improving outcomes for residents with arrest and/or conviction records.

From 15 pitches, we closed with 7 working prototype teams committed to incubating their solutions. This year we can't wait to hear what everyone comes up with. Our collective vision is to make re-entry more efficient and effective. Based on feedback from our first event, we are providing challenge statements.
- The right to work - nearly 70% of returning citizens face workforce discrimination, what opportunities exist to create pathways to economic independence?
- Adapting to fluid borders - How can Washington, DC as well as surrounding counties leverage the power of data and planning to share resources, best practices and more?
- Sequencing services - the first 90 days of release from prison or jail are critical; connecting to the proper programs and services makes all the difference, but how can a person know where to start?
The 2nd Annual event will take place on
Saturday, October 31st
Breakfast & Registration - 9:30 am
Event Time - 10:00 am to 7:00 pm
* We will accommodate attendees with Halloween plans that need to leave early*
Sunday, November 1st
Breakfast & Registration - 9:30 am
Event Time - 10:00 am to 3:00 pm